Council concluded that there was not sufficient support for a skate park to proceed. Consequently this project is completed.
The subcommittee’s vision for the community Recreation and Skatepark Hub is to create a safe, inclusive, multipurpose outdoor hub for all members of our community to enjoy – from toddlers to the elderly, and locals and visitors alike. The Recreation and Skatepark Hub features safe, age-appropriate kids playground and picnic area, and a skatepark for children and young people to ride bikes, scooters, and skateboards.”
Shoalhaven City Council Recreation and Skatepark Hub Community Consultation
On 31 August, the SCC advised the Recreation and Skatepark Hub subcommittee that their community consultation will begin at the end of September, span for 2-3 weeks, and be completed by the end of October.
The community consultation will take the form of a short, succinct survey, determining village choice only for the Recreation and Skatepark Hub – not specific locations. Finally, the survey will also provide community members with the chance to share their opinions in a feedback section. SCC stressed this section was very important for community members who support the Recreation and Skatepark Hub.
The survey will be promoted via SCC’s social media newsfeeds, via email and QR codes linking to the survey. The subcommittee emphasized the importance of paper-based surveys with corresponding reply-paid envelopes to ensure inclusivity and accessibility to all community members – with and without access to internet.
When the survey is due to go out, the Community Association will send an email to members and post on their website and Facebook pages. If you would like to be included in their email mailing list to keep up to date, please send an email to [email protected]
COVID-19 delayed this proposal being discussed in an open forum during 2020. However on 28 February 2021 one of the two possible sites suggest by Council ie Bawley Point Reserve, was presented to a public meeting and voted on by written ballot. A majority of those members present did not support that Bawley Reserve as a suitable location.
Community recreation and Skate Park hub report Dispelling the Bawley Point or Kioloa Recreation and Skatepark Hub Myths_Edited pdf