Dear President and Secretary,
Council is preparing a new land use planning scheme for Shoalhaven to respond to significant change experienced over recent years, current and emerging planning challenges, and to address historic decisions. The Scheme includes work to manage growth, address housing supply and affordability, protect neighbourhood character, and fund local infrastructure.
Council is exhibiting and inviting feedback on two key parts of the new Scheme – a set of Draft Strategic Growth Principles and a Draft Affordable Housing Strategy. The two documents are on exhibition from Wednesday 12 June 2024 until Friday 12 July 2024.
We invite you to view, consider and provide feedback on the two documents. Please can you also share the opportunity with your networks and members. I trust the attached information about the exhibition assists with this. It provides a summary of each document and a hyperlink and QR code to access the online information.
The documents, supporting information, and instructions on how to make a submission can be viewed on Council’s Get Involved website (links below). The website will go live on Wednesday 12 June 2024.
The Draft Strategic Growth Principles provide a contemporary policy framework to guide the preparation of the new land use planning scheme and Council’s strategic land use planning decisions. The draft principles will also be used to guide Council’s consideration of any rezoning proposals proposed by developers and landowners – also known as proponent-initiated planning proposals.
Please visit for more information.
The Draft Affordable Housing Strategy sets out proposed work Council can do to contribute to increasing the supply of affordable housing and lower the cost of housing more generally. The draft Strategy updates the Affordable Housing Strategy Council released in 2017 to ensure Council continues to work on this important matter.
Please visit for more information.
The exhibition documents can also be viewed at Council’s Nowra City Administration Centre (36 Bridge Road), and Ulladulla Branch Office (14 Deering Street).
The webpages provide information on how to make a submission on each of the documents. If you intend to make a submission on both documents, please keep your feedback separate. This will help us accurately record and present feedback to elected Council. We have provided an online survey for the draft Principles to provide for quick feedback.
Submissions on the documents must be received in writing by 5pm on Friday 12 July 2024.
If you have any queries, please contact the Strategy Planning Project Team, City Futures on (02) 4429 5884 or at [email protected].
Click here for a PDF copy of the instructions
240606 Public Exhibition Information - 06062024